Kidney protection outpatient clinic

The kidney protection outpatient clinic is for patients with Stage 4 or Stage 5 kidney failure, meaning that the kidneys are functioning at less than 30%. 

The nephrologist following you can request access to the kidney protection clinic. A team made up of nurses, a nutritionist and your nephrologist will look after you. 

The clinic’s objectives are:

  • To ensure close monitoring of your blood tests and your blood pressure, 
  • To watch for symptoms caused by kidney failure,
  • To provide pertinent education to help you better understand your state of health and to take charge of the factors that affect your kidney function,
  • To provide, if and when needed, information about kidney replacement treatments so that you can make an informed decision. 

Our team will follow you throughout the course of your illness. 

Démarre le chargement du fichierKidney protection brochue (in French only)