Who is this service for?

This service is for people living in the Laurentides who have sustained a mild traumatic brain injury.

The World Health Organization's definition of mild traumatic brain injury

A mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) or concussion is an invisible injury caused by a rapid back-and-forth movement of the head that causes the brain to hit the walls of the skull.

It involves the onset of at least one of the following symptoms:

  • A period of change in state of consciousness (confusion or disorientation);
  • Loss of consciousness for less than 30 minutes;
  • Post-traumatic amnesia for less than 24 hours;
  • Any other transitory neurological sign, such as convulsions or an intracranial lesion that does not require surgical intervention

A result ranging from 13 to 15 on the Glasgow Coma Scale, 30 minutes or more after the accident, during an assessment in the emergency room.

Description of the service

Regional organizational model since September 2013, comprised of a nurse clinician and a physician advisor. 

The main objective of this program is to screen people who are at risk of persistent acute medical or functional complications and provide them with or refer them to appropriate services and care.

Follow-up will be provided by phone by a nurse clinician, who will assess symptoms and provide useful information to reduce and manage them. A physician advisor is also involved at different stages of the follow-up process.

Signs and symptoms that follow a concussion are temporary and usually disappear within 7 to 10 days following the accident, but can persist for up to three months. Preventive intervention may be necessary, such as psychological or physiotherapy follow-up or referral to other resources depending on the person’s needs and prognosis.

How to access the service

A referral is required from a treating physician, an emergency department, a sports medicine professional, a walk-in clinic or a family medical group (FMG) in the Laurentians.

Démarre le chargement du fichierMTBI identification grid | For health professionnals (in French only)

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Contact information:  
Direction des soins infirmiers 
Hôpital de Saint-Jérôme
290, rue Montigny
Saint-Jérôme (QC)  J7Z 5T3

*Do not come in person.

Telephone : 450-432-2777, ext. 23132
Fax : 450-431-8314

Opening hours:  Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.