
Upon arrival at the emergency room, you must go to Triage where a nurse is responsible for assessing you based on the seriousness of your health problem.

The triage staff is not able to tell you how long the wait will be. This depends on the different triage levels of the patients who arrive between your arrival and when the doctor can see you, and upon the possible arrival of ambulances.

  • You will be called in order of arrival. The triage nurse can decide otherwise if a patient’s health condition appears critical.
  • The nurse will assess your condition.
  • The nurse will assign a priority level based on your condition.
  • Examinations can begin based on your reason for coming in (blood tests, radiography, urine test) so that the doctor has some data in hand.
  • The nurse will direct you based on your situation.

If your condition changes at any time, inform the administrative clerk in reception.

If you are over age 65

The administrative clerk will invite you to fill out a short questionnaire to provide you with the appropriate health services for your needs. We care about your wellbeing at home.