Useful Links


General information:
→ Appui proches aidants: information, training and referrals for caregivers.
→ Bibliosanté.ca – Caregivers: useful resources to support caregivers
Magazine Protégez-vous : cahier spécial Proche aidant: special edition for caregivers (in French only)
→ Monastère des Augustines : respite for caregivers (in French only)
→ Quebec Observatory on Caregiving: statistics and information on caregiving
→ Proche aidance Québec: statistics and other information on caregiving (in French only)
→ Québec government website for caregivers

Young caregivers:
LaPProche: information and help for young caregivers (in French only)
→ Proche aidance Québec: statistics and other information on caregiving (in French only)
Webinar to Recognize, Understand, and Support Young Caregivers

For caregivers supporting a loved one with mental health disabilities:
→ Cap santé mentale: for a loved one living with mental health problems
→ Centre prévention suicide Faubourg: suicide prevention centre

For caregivers supporting a loved one with age-related disabilities:
→ Agir pour bien vieillir: a resource to help seniors and their loved one maintain their ability to care for their health needs (in French only) 
→ Au fil du temps: an initiative of Québec’s order of psychologists to better understand the ageing brain and prioritize care for seniors (in French only)

For caregivers supporting a loved one with a disability (ID, ASD, PD):
→ #SolidairementProcheAidant (Solidarity Caregiver): A collaboration between the CISSS des Laurentides (DPDRP) and L’Antr’Aidant, this microsite focuses on the reality of caregiving and is designed for those caring for people with an intellectual or physical disability and/or autism spectrum disorder.

Statistics related to caregiving:
SOM survey - Appui proches aidants 2023 (in French only)
→ Quebec Observatory on Caregiving: statistics and information on caregiving

Legal and administrative aspects and financial help
→ Legal protection measures
Assistance Measure
→ Educaloi: Caregivers | Practical Legal Tools
→ Educaloi: How the law can help you
JuridiQC (see the Caregivers section)
APPUI proches aidants: Addressing administrative formalities and taxation

→ Well-treatment (kindness) for caregivers - toolbox

2SLGBTQIA+ caregivers
→ Fondation Émergence (fight against homophobia and transphobia)