When you lose a child, there are no words to describe how you feel.
Your whole life changed when you learned you were pregnant. You may have dreamed of the future with your baby, saw your baby move on the ultrasound, held your baby in your arms.
Life stole parenthood from you: you are now experiencing perinatal bereavement.
Bereavement affects the whole family, but each individual experiences it differently, whether you are the mother, father, partner, brother, sister, grandparent or any other significant person.
Receiving sensitive and caring support during this difficult time can make a world of difference.
There many services and resources available to support you in your bereavement.
Psychosocial services
Professionals offer a personalized approach that takes into account the needs of the bereaved.
Music therapy
One-on-one sessions are offered at the CLSC du Centre-ville-de-Saint-Jérôme or virtually, and take various forms depending on the situation of each person: listening to musical pieces, composition, symbolic creative project, vocal work, etc. Download the leaflet here (in French only).
Web resources
Les perséides (in French only)
Deuil Jeunesse (in French only)
Quebec's Association of parents going through infant loss and grief
Revenir les bras vides (Returning with empty arms) : a documentary series produced by the CHU Sainte-Justine (in French only)
Books and readings
- Suggested readings (in French only)
- Pamphlet on perinatal bereavement and available support (in French only)
- Information booklet on miscarriage (in French only)
- 1-888 LE-DEUIL (533-3845): Support for anyone experiencing grief following the death of a loved one. Available from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., 365 days a year.
Support groups
La balle de laine: This group offers support services to people dealing with grief (not specific to perinatal bereavement) - 450-530-7616, ext. 4023 and laballedelaine@uqo.ca
- Mes anges support group: This group offers help, support and the opportunity to share experiences to parents in perinatal bereavement. Meetings are held at the CLSC de Saint-Rose. Reserve your spot by calling: 1-450-978-8300, ext. 18349.
Les étoiles filantes support group: Group meetings for parents who have lost a baby.
Resources specifically for fathers
Fathers grieving : Video of testimonials by grieving fathers (in French only)
Perinatal death : Fathers grieving
(book) (in French only)
Autres ressources