Pain management clinic

Services offered

The pain management clinic offers consultations for people living with subacute and chronic pain.

The patient and their loved ones can receive physical health, rehabilitation and support services, offered by various professionals.

Contact information

Hôpital de Saint-Jérôme
290 rue De Montigny
Saint-Jérôme, (Québec) J7Z 5T3

Telephone : 450-432-2777
Toll-free : 1-866-963-2777, ext. 22100

Fax : 450-431-8367

Obtaining services

To access the clinic’s services, your doctor must send a medical request (AH-741) to the pain clinic. 

Tips for better pain management

Move more

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Privilege better sleep and energy management

Reduce stress and anxiety

1. ref.: Regroupement des forces pour gérer la douleur chronique

Chronic pain resources

My pain management

Association québécoise en douleur chronique

Agir pour moi (how to self-manage chronic pain) (in French only)