I am looking for a resource for myself or a loved one

Process for finding an accommodation resource

  • Process for youth
    If you are looking for an accommodation resource for a youth in your family, please contact the caseworker for your file. If you do not have a caseworker, call 811 and select option 2.

  • Process for adults
    If you are looking for an accommodation resource for an adult in your family, please contact the caseworker for your file. If you do not have a caseworker, call 811 and select option 2.

  • Process for seniors
    To find accommodation, you must contact the access desk (guichet d’accès) where someone will handle your request and forward it to the appropriate service. A caseworker will assess your request and can offer you a home that meets your needs based on your level of autonomy. To reach the access desk, call 1-833-217-5362.

          → Eligibility requirements and applications | CHSLD, Maisons des Aînés and intermediate resources

  • IMPORTANT: Homecare support beneficiaries in Antoine-Labelle can continue to use the local phone number to obtain services at: 819-623-1228, ext. 56365.