Responsable Research Conduct
Responsible research conduct is everyone’s business!
Responsible Conduct
Responsible research conduct:
- Refers to the behaviour that is expected of the various players involved in research.
- Seeks to ensure quality research and the protection of participants.
- Is governed by several values, such as respect, honesty, rigour, impartiality, fairness, trust, accountability, kindness/caring, openness and transparency.
Person in charge of responsible research conduct
The person in charge of responsible research conduct at the CISSS des Laurentides is Sylvain Pomerleau, Associate President and Executive Director.
He is responsible for:
- ensuring the promotion of a culture of responsible research conduct in accordance with exemplary practices.
- receiving complaints of breaches of responsible conduct.
- overseeing the processing and review of any allegations of breach of responsible research conduct, in compliance with the Politique relative aux activités de recherche and the Procédure de gestion des allégations de manquement à la conduite responsable en recherche.
- ensuring the application of sanctions and other corrective measures, while paying particular attention to the protection of whistleblowers or vulnerable persons.
Filing a complaint
Anyone who witnesses a breach of responsible research conduct is encouraged to report the facts in writing to the person in charge of responsible research conduct at the CISSS des Laurentides at the following address: .
Rest assured that complaints are processed with diligence and in accordance with the principles of confidentiality.
Your complaint must include the following elements:
- the name of the person(s) in question;
- the name of the research project in question, if possible;
- a description of the situation that forms the basis of the allegation of a breach of responsible research conduct;
- a presentation of all of the available evidence attesting to the misconduct (facts, documentation or any other evidence that establishes the veracity of the reported statements);
- your name and signature;
- the date.
For more information, consult the Procédure de gestion des allégations de manquement à la conduite responsable en recherche (in French only).
Anonymous complaint
Anonymous allegations can be considered. However, they must provide enough information to enable an evaluation of the allegation and a review of the facts and evidence, without requiring additional information from the person filing the complaint.
Contact us
To contact Sylvain Pomerleau, responsible for responsible research conduct:
To contact the Bureau de soutien à la recherche (Research support department):