Our team

Our committees

Aire ouverte is a space created by, for and with young people.

Collaboration being a key component in this project, there are two committees, one for the youth and the other for parents.

Both committees meet several times a year to take part in decisions and to share their opinions concerning Aire ouverte.

Youth committee: If you are interested in joining us  to your Aire ouverte, please click here.

Families’ committee: Are you a significant adult in the life of a 12- to 25-year-old? Then the families’ committee is for you! The committee’s meetings, which are held a few times a year, are coffee meetings where families and loved ones can discuss youth related issues, voice their opinions and take part in various activities.

Our team

Our team is made up of many health professionals who can provide various psychosocial and healthcare services. 

Our psychosocial team (social workers and psychoeducators) is available for all your psychological needs, and our nursing team caters to all of your sexual health needs.

We are here to welcome you, to listen to you and to understand you. We will help you find solutions and guide you to the best services for your needs.