Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner

Marie-Josée Boulianne, Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner for the Laurentians

Everyone who uses Québec’s health services system has the right to receive quality service. Remedies are in place for individuals who are not satisfied with the care and services they have received.



Your satisfaction is important to us

If you are dissatisfied or if you feel that your rights have not been respected when you receive care and services, you should first raise the question with the staff of the facility concerned. This simple step can often lead to a satisfactory solution. However, if you continue to be dissatisfied, we recommend that you address the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner to get help, to file a complaint or to request an intervention. You have the right to make a complaint in complete confidentiality and without risk of reprisal.

Since June 1, 2021, service quality and complaints commissioners are responsible for handling complaints from users of public and private institutions. For more information

You can file your complaint:

All complaints involving a doctor, a dentist, a pharmacist or a resident are dealt with by medical examiners. To reach a medical examiner, contact the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner.

The following organizations can assist you in filing a complaint:

/typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextLe Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes des Laurentides (help centre)

Ouvre un lien interne dans la fenêtre couranteThe CISSS des Laurentides Users’ Committees


If you are satisfied with the care and services received, we encourage you to let your service team know by contacting the facility’s users’ committee.


Phone : 450432-8708
Toll-free: 1-866-822-0549
Fax : 450-431-8446
Email : 

Postal address :

Commissariat aux plaintes et à la qualité des services
CISSS des Laurentides
225, rue du Palais
Saint-Jérôme (Québec)  J7Z 1X7